We Learn Everywhere

Europe's Parents Stand Up

The project addresses the needs of parents and carers for the provision of further support in their social role in challenging situations, such as a (post) pandemic, with a focus on families from disadvantaged backgrounds. The project aims at enabling and empowering parents and carers regarding children’s mental health and well-being, children’s pedagogical and didactic needs and family ties by creating a learning environment to support their children through learning opportunities and upskilling pathways that will help them gain skills and key competences, like learning to learn, communication skills, team-working and digital skills. 

The project’s overall goal is to provide fundamental insight to children’s mental health and well-being post-pandemic through activities that concern:

  • The creation of an original and innovative content, namely a tool-kit and a set of pedagogical and didactic activities to apply at home and in everyday life adapted for diversified learning environments and for adults from various learning and socio-economic backgrounds.
  • The realisation of training sessions for parents and carers, half of them in remote or rural areas
  • The creation of an interregional and transnational network of parents and carers via a small- scale matching programme with peer-learning activities. 
  • The production of a documentary based on the experiences gathered from trainees’ participation in training sessions.  
  • The development of a user-friendly and easily accessible, free digital tools for adult education in the framework of a forward-looking Digital Learning Centre that will include an online course, an app, a set of videos, a virtual library and a Parents’ Forum.

During its 24-month lifetime, We Learn Everywhere will directly and indirectly positively impact:


adult learners, 60 per country at the training sessions with physical presence.


participants per country at the matching programme.

At least


participants in the online courses (20 per country)


stakeholders identified and contacted

We Learn Everywhere at a glance:

  • 1 Toolkit for children’s mental health and well-being in post- pandemic period 
  • 1 Set of pedagogical and didactic activities at home and in everyday life
  • 1 Learning Guide analysing the ways to render the content flexible in a coherent manner, easily accessible adaptable to various different learning environments and conditions
  • 1 Learning and Matching platform 
  • 1 Documentary on learners’ experience
  • 1 project website
  • 2 podcasts
  • Realisation of 16 training sessions with physical presence in all countries.
  • Realisation of 4 national and 1 EU events with a total of 465 participants (virtually and physical presence)
  • The creation of Digital Learning Center including: 
  • an online course with two modules, 6 videos each.
  • a video collection of at least ten videos with a duration of 5-15 minutes each
  • a virtual library with at least 20 documents per project language
  • a Parent’s discussion forum
  • an app version for computers, tablets and smartphones.


  • Funding programme

    ERASMUS+ KA2 - Cooperation partnerships in adult education

  • Duration

    01/02/2022– 31/01/2024

  • Budget

    293.850,00 EUR

  • Countries

    Belgium, Italy, Greece, Spain

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2021-1-BE01-KA220-ADU-000029710
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