The Waste-Free World project aims to foster the importance of recycling amongst youth in the project’s partner nations and beyond. The objective is, through programs of excellent resources and methodologies, to provide resources and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for youth workers across Europe to better understand recycling and the difference between bio and non-biodegradable waste, so that they teach the youth to understand what it means to recycle waste and inspire them to find new solutions for our changing climate in future.
The specific objectives are:
- to raise awareness on waste and techniques to reduce it;
- to equip policy makers and youth workers with knowledge to promote recycling and waste reduction;
- to inform students about different types of waste, recycling, and waste reduction.
Its concrete results include:
- A hands-on fun-packed training curriculum and workshops with non-formal approaches to learning about the sustainability of the planet;
- An online toolkit in the form of a gamified E-learning platform for youth workers and aspiring young people that facilitates the development, creation, production, and preservation of earth’s assets, through recycling waste and who embody the preservation of nature
- A methodology handbook and implementation plan for decision-makers and youth educators.
During its 24-month lifetime, Waste Free World project will directly and indirectly positively impact at least:
- 30 students, who will be actively involved in the project,
- 30 youth trainers, who will be actively involved in the project,
- 100 stakeholders, who will be informed about the project,
- 1000 Youth workers and young people from Youth organisations will be informed about the project.
Waste Free World at a glance:
- 1 Handbook for decision-makers and youth workers, on good practices and guidelines for helping young people to understand bio waste
- 1 Training Curriculum for youth
- 1 Online Toolkit of resources for recycling, for youth workers
- 1 textbook on storytelling with data and presentation techniques
- 1 E-learning Platform with Gamification
- 1 Continuous Professional Development Course Curriculum for trainers in biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste
- 6 piloting activities (1 per country)
- 6 national Dissemination Events.