EqUal iNclusIon of LGBTIQ stUdents in VET

UNIQUE aims at reversing the perceptions and attitudes towards LGBTIQ+ learners in vocational education and training, or VET education. Classic educational materials tend to replicate the traditional gender norms, thus, contributing, to the perpetuation of the discrimination and stereotypes, even unintentionally or unconsciously. At the same time, VET teachers are often not trained or prepared to openly discuss in the classroom issues that are considered “sensitive” or may be biased themselves.

Within this context, the UNIQUE project we will attempt to change the current status, by modernizing the educational schemes that are currently in use and by infusing up-to-date, inclusive and innovative training techniques to VET teachers, who will be later able to transfer their knowledge and initiate change of the young learners’ mind-set.

To that end, the UNIQUE project is expected to have the following impact:

  • Enhance the representation of LGBTQI young learners into VET education by tracking discriminatory behaviors against LGBTIQ learners and teachers.
  • Improve the expertise and competences of VET teachers by developing and pilot testing training material and curricula specifically addressed to VET teachers which will challenge discriminatory patterns and will favour gender diversity.
  • Support the creation of an inclusive VET system by mainstreaming the developed methodologies and curricula in the formal VET system.

During its 24-month lifetime, UNIQUE will directly and indirectly positively influence:

At least


VET trainers and teachers participating in the project’s training activities

At least


VET providers committed to use the UNIQUE Curriculum

At least


professionals, NGOs, Associations, public authorities, civil society, policy makers, and other relevant stakeholders reached via dissemination, advocacy and lobbying efforts

At least


VET students participating in the national competitions for imagining a more inclusive VET environment

UNIQUE at a glance

  • 6 National Reports and 1 Transnational benchmarking report identifying discrimination patterns and norms in VET education.
  • 1 Manual of how to develop gender diversity friendly curricula, avoiding stereotypes and discriminatory patterns.
  • Training Curricula for f2f and online training promoting non-discrimination behaviour for VET trainers, including a Train the Trainer Guide and a portfolio of learners’ resources.
  • Adaptation Methodology containing guidelines and steps for easy adaptation of the UNIQUE curriculum by other countries.
  • Train the Trainers seminar facilitated by LGBTIQ International Experts.
  • 4 National training sessions, including face to face and online courses for 80 VET trainers who will act as the UNIQUE Ambassadors.
  • Peer training sessions for VET teachers facilitated by the UNIQUE Ambassadors.
  • Policy recommendations on the mainstreaming of the developed methodology into the VET system.
  • 1 Teaser document and video for the dissemination of the UNIQUE methodology to VET providers.
  • VET student competitions encouraging students to express how they imagine a more inclusive VET environment.
  • 8 National launch events for the presentation of the new methodology.
  • Demonstration Workshop in Brussels, showcasing the developed training material.
  • Organisation of roundtables in all participating countries.
  • Final Conference in Krakow.


  • Funding programme

    ERASMUS+ KA3 - Social inclusion through education, training and youth

  • Duration

    15/01/2021 – 14/01/2023

  • Budget

    499,997.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Poland, The Netherlands

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 621478-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
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