Unique – 2nd Transnational meeting

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The second Transnational Meeting of the UNIQUE partnership was held on 20 October 2021. Due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19 throughout Europe, it was organized online via Zoom platform and was hosted by our German partner, BK Consult.

The partnership discussed the progress of the project and the next steps. Currently, the partners have completed the National Reports which presented the status quo of LGBTIQ inclusiveness in VET in Greece, Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria and Cyprus (the piloting countries) as well as the level of discrimination that LGBTIQ VET Learners are facing due to their sexual orientation or gender expression.

The comparative analysis will be initiated soon, revealing similar trends as well as divergences in the patterns and the extent of discrimination observed in each participating country as well as the established mechanisms and proper ways to handle these incidents. Despite the differences, however, there is one thing in common: discrimination exists and needs to be addressed within the VET environment, as education is an important stepping stone towards a more inclusive and tolerant society.

During the meeting, the partnership also defined the final versions of the Quality Assurance Plan and the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan, discussing how they will organize their dissemination activities in a more concrete way as we are approaching the completion of the first year of implementation.