Teachers’ Upskilling aiming aT a hOlistic inclusivity in leaRning

TUTOR’s main aim is to develop a European and International outlook in teacher education on inclusivity. 

More specifically, the project aims to:

  • Improve teacher education policies and practices in Europe.
  • Define a forward-looking upskilling strategy for secondary school teachers.
  • Enhance the European dimension of teacher education through innovative and practical collaboration.
  • Foster holistic inclusivity in the learning environment, covering all its aspects such as tolerance, non-discrimination, flexibility, etc.
  • Assess current and future skill mismatches in the targeted profession.

These objectives will be achieved through the following:

  1. Definition of a forward-looking Upskilling Strategy for teachers, based on research on teachers’ needs.
  2. Design of Joint Curriculum on the upskilling of secondary education teachers for more inclusive classrooms.
  3. Pilot delivery of Trainings in face to face, online & blended learning, and in ToT activities.
  4. Exploitation and dissemination activities.

TUTOR at a glance:

  • 800 teachers/ future teachers to be trained via a new e-learning platform (200/ country) 
  • 40 teachers from secondary schools will be involved in Train the Trainer Workshops.
  • 80 adult learners/ future teachers will participate in face to face training through mobility in four (4) countries.
  • 400 teachers will participate in future mobilizations via the establishment of the “TUTOR Teacher Academy’ s Internationalization Office”.
  • 1600 stakeholders will be targeted (400/country).


  • Funding programme

    Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation partnerships in higher education

  • Duration

    01/12/2021- 01/12/2023

  • Budget

    1.872,125.5 EUR

  • Countries

    Greece, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, Turkey

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 101056515

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