Symplexis is a partner in the Erasmus Plus project TUTOR – Teachers’ Upskilling aiming aT a hOlistic inclusivity in leaRning.
TUTOR’s main aim is to develop a European and International outlook in teacher education on inclusivity.
More specifically, the project aims to:
- Improve teacher education policies and practices in Europe.
- Define a forward-looking upskilling strategy for secondary school teachers.
- Enhance the European dimension of teacher education through innovative and practical collaboration.
- Foster holistic inclusivity in the learning environment, covering all its aspects such as tolerance, non-discrimination, flexibility, etc.
- Assess current and future skill mismatches in the targeted profession.
Project’s partners
The consortium consists of 11 partners’ organisations from Greece, Belgium, Ireland, Austria, Germany, and Turkey.
- School of Pedagogical and Technological Education – ASPAITE
- Symplexis
- European Vocational Training Association – EVTA
- European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training – EVBB
- Maynooth University
- die Berater Unternehmensberatung
- National Education Directorate of Serik District
- SERGED Teaching Academy