The Erasmus+ TETRIS project (TEachers’ TRraining to combat Gender-based violence In Sports), implemented in Italy, Greece and Cyprus, aims at building the capacity and raise awareness among Physical Education (PE) teachers and youngsters themselves regarding the prevention and combating of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the sports sector.
TETRIS partners have recently completed the project’s first result (PR1), led by Symplexis, achieving to collect the most prominent practices and draft recommendations on how to combat gender-based violence in the domain of physical education.
Apart from the sociological impact of the phenomenon of GBV on sports, education and the society in general, the primary and secondary research conducted by the project’s implementing partners, examined GBV during the specific momentum that has overlapped with the COVID-19 pandemic, where countries all over Europe are reconsidering the modes of education (online, blended or physical presence), but also are reviewing their curricula and education practices overall.
PR1 has also focused on the collection and assessment of promising practices around the globe on effectively tackling GBV in sports, setting the basis for the implementation of PR2 which corresponds to the development of the TETRIS capacity building program (methodology guidelines and e-learning course) for prospective teachers of physical education in tertiary schools.
To that end, PR1 has entailed the following tasks:
- Task 1.1: Assessment of GBV incidents in the sports sector in the participating countries (Italy, Greece, Cyprus), a process that has included both desk and field research (focus groups and interviews).
- Task 1.2: Collection of promising practices in combating GBV in the sports sector.
- Task 1.3: Development of recommendations about the prevention of GBV in the PE sector.
Tasks 1.1 & 1.2 have been comprised in the project’s National Reports while the project’s transnational report, also available online, summarizes the findings of the above mentioned reports at transnational level and focuses on the presentation of good practices and the development of recommendations about the prevention of GBV in the PE sector, under Task 1.3.
Read or download the reports here.