TEachers’ TRaining to combat Gender-based violence In Sports

Incidents of violence and harassment occur everywhere and in most settings, including education but also in the context of sports activities. Safety in sports should be considered as a given right for everyone and especially young people where sports are often the only opportunity to socialize. The TETRIS project aspires to raise awareness and enhance the knowledge of Physical Education teachers and youngsters about gender-based violence issues, inform them how they can efficiently prevent and combat gender-based violence in sports and create resources that will facilitate the successful advocacy against any form of violence that takes place within the domains of sports and Physical Education. In addition, the impact of Covid-19 on Physical Education and education collectively will be examined.

This will be achieved by: 

  • The development of methodological guidelines, instruction and recommendations about the prevention of gender-based violence in the sector of Physical Education;
  • The development of an online course on gender-based violence prevention in Physical Education;
  • The planning and organization of webinars (online seminars) aiming at presenting the learning methodological framework to higher education students studying Physical Education.

During its 24-month lifetime, TETRIS will directly and indirectly positively impact: 

At least


Physical Education instructors from Primary, Secondary and Higher education

At least


Students of Physical Education, currently enrolled in Higher Education Departments in their respective countries participating in the focus groups


Students of Physical Education, currently enrolled in Higher Education Departments that will test the e-course

At least



TETRIS at a glance: 

  • 2 transnational meetings
  • 3 webinars raising awareness 
  • 1 online course
  • 1 updated lesson plan for Primary and Secondary schools 
  • 1 user-friendly manual with practical guidelines and tools
  • 2 info-days in Greece and Cyprus
  • 1 final conference in Italy


  • Funding programme

    Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation partnerships in higher education

  • Duration

    01/12/2021- 01/12/2023

  • Budget

    242,505.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Italy, Cyprus, Greece

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000030199


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