Sport Trainers Squared

Τhe project

The Sport Trainers Squared project will focus on:

  1. Identifying methods and practices that can be used to prepare migrants to become sports trainers, transforming them into a training format
  2. Identifying the existing knowledge of sports coaches (belonging to “team sports”) in order to train migrants, elaborating an online course based on their needs
  3. Empowering disadvantaged migrants and preparing them to become Sports Instructors through Education Through Sport (ETS) methodology.

The above-mentioned goals will be achieved through:

  • A cross-country research in order to identify the needs of the target groups: migrants and sport trainers
  • An educational curriculum for sport coaches and educators belonging to “team sports” who are interested in working with migrants in each partner country
  • An online course that will give the chance of completing the training and receiving a certification to other sport coaches as well
  • Empowerment activities implemented by the trained sport coaches with local migrants, summed up in a training format, which will also validate the adequacy of the training.

During its 30-month lifetime, STS will directly and indirectly positively impact  at least:

At least


sport trainers who work with migrants testing the educational curriculum

At least


migrants interested in becoming sport instructors testing the training format

At least


participants at the national dissemination events

STS at a glance:

  • 1 research report on migrants’ needs to become sport instructors and on sport coaches’ needs to train migrants through ETS
  • 1 educational curriculum for sport coaches working with migrants
  • 1 training format for migrants wishing to become sport instructors
  • 1 online training course for sport coaches
  • Testing of the educational curriculum with 5 sport trainers in each partner country
  • Testing of the training format with a group of 20 migrants in each partner country
  • 6 national dissemination events with at least 50 participants in each partner country.


  • Funding programme


  • Duration

    1/1/2023 – 30/6/2025

  • Budget

    250,000.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Poland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Greece

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 101090926
STS logo


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