Roma civil society for EU accession

Τhe project

The main objective of the RomCSOs4EU project is to develop educational tools and methods for training and engaging Roma stakeholders in North Macedonia, and representatives of Roma organisations and organisations supporting Roma to establish consultation and policy action networks on Roma social inclusion and to ensure the alignment of North Macedonia’s policies with EU policies on Roma issues for their more active participation and cooperation with state institutions. 

The project also aims to strengthen the joint efforts of Roma networks and other stakeholders towards achieving common goals to support and promote the reforms and the EU accession process of North Macedonia. Finally, the project will contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the EU strategies and action plans applicable to the country (with a focus on Roma women) and support the positive attitude of civil society towards Roma for convergence with EU standards and reforms for EU accession.

During its 36-month lifetime, RomCSOs4EU will directly and indirectly positively impact  at least:

  • at least 30 members of 2 networks [Roma Rights Advocacy Network & Network for monitoring, reporting and advocacy of Roma women’s rights] that will enhance their skills on monitoring and advocacy, dialogue, EU access process etc.
  • at least 15 other small(er) Roma/Pro-Roma CSOs that will enhance their skills on monitoring and advocacy, dialogue, EU access process etc.
  • at least 10 small/grassroots Roma/Pro-Roma CSOs having successfully implemented activities in support of the EU Roma strategic framework’s objectives, and/or EU GAP III CLIP, and/or EU Strategy for the rights of persons with disabilities
  • the enhanced joint efforts of Roma/Pro-Roma CSO networks, and other stakeholders (grassroot organisations, donors, business community etc.) towards shared goals for supporting/advancing reforms and EU accession
  • the public institutions supporting/enabling more active involvement and genuine consultation with Roma/Pro-Roma CSOs in SWGs, and/or other policy-making bodies
  • the enhanced (Roma) civil society & societal support/positive attitudes for convergence with standards & reforms for EU accession.

RomCSOs4EU at a glance:

  • Development and implementation of Roma/Pro-Roma CSOs Capacity Building Programme, a 25-hour to cover the already identified needs of Roma and Pro-Roma CSOs on the topics of research & analysis, monitoring sectorial policies, evidence-based involvement in policy- and decision-making processes, policy paper drafting, advocacy and lobbying, networking, dialogue & coalition-building, organizational gender equality policies, understanding EU access process, strategy development, communication and public/media relations, digital skills (website, social media operation etc.), fundraising etc.
  • Strengthening the two Roma CSOs networks, through the development of cooperation protocol, development of a ‘networks’ digital platform’, organisation of annual meetings, development of three (3) annual activity plans for joint advocacy and monitoring of ongoing related sectorial reforms
  • Design of a Grant Scheme for small/grassroots Roma/Pro-Roma CSOs and launch of Grant Scheme and award of grants
  • Provision of training and mentoring to grantees through 1) the organisation of a 2-day training seminar to support them in the implementation and management of their projects, 2) the provision of mentoring to grantees throughout the implementation period
  • Networks policy monitoring and watchdog activities in relation to ongoing Roma integration issues & sectorial reforms related in view of EU accession through the elaboration of reports & studies on Roma integration issues
  • Development and dissemination of an EU good practices booklet on effective cooperation of (Roma/Pro-Roma) CSOs and public institutions in policy/decision making
  • Organisation of three (3) networking meetings between the Networks members, and the institutions which participate in the Sector Working Group for Integration of Roma
  • Organisation of three (3) thematic workshops between the Networks members and relevant public institutions
  • Organisation of three (3) exchange workshops between the Networks members and representatives of the business sector and other private or public stakeholders
  • Organisation of two (2) annual sector policy fora, where all relevant public and private stakeholders (national authorities, civil society, social partners, business sector, donors and development partners will meet, discuss and exchange ideas and knowledge for advancing sector reforms and EU accession process.


  • Funding programme


  • Duration

    01/01/2023 – 31/12/2026

  • Budget

    365,180.30 EUR

  • Countries

    North Macedonia

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: IPAIII/2022/441-801
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