PRomoting Environmental Protection and leARning on climate changE

The PREPARE – PRomoting Environmental Protection and leARning on climate changE” aims to raise awareness about green skills and professions of the future that revolve around sustainability, with a focus on the tourism sector, to eventually boost the green economy.

The objectives of the project are: 

  • to inform and educate young people entering the workforce about sustainable careers in the tourism sector, promoting employability and contributing to the growth of the green economy
  • to train municipal employees on how to approach sustainability topics and organize capacity building events, promoting sustainable practices in their workplaces and communities
  • to create lasting synergies between stakeholders on the national level by matching NGOs and local authorities, promoting sustainable and green economy
  • to promote transnational synergies between stakeholders, sharing knowledge and best practices related to sustainable practices in the tourism sector.

The PREPARE project will implement the following activities:

  • a State-of-the-art analysis and development of policy recommendations and case studies focusing on the identification of green skills and professions and the widespread of existing good practices
  • a capacity-building programme, training modules and an e-learning platform to inform and train the beneficiaries about environmental protection and green skills
  • a pilot testing and an awareness raising campaign to implement the capacity-building programme and to disseminate their activities and aim.

During its 36-month lifetime, PREPARE will directly and indirectly positively impact at least: 

  • 50 municipal employees and professionals from NGOs/CSOs/tourism industry that will participate in the co-creation events
  • 20 municipal staff, 3 other professionals and 15 young people in each partner country that will participate in the pilot testing of the training programmes
  • 200 persons that will participate in the project’s info days.
  • 10000 national and EU stakeholders that wiil be informed about the project outputs through the project dissemination activities.

PREPARE at a glance: 

  • Development of a transnational report which will include a state-of-the-art analysis, case studies and policy recommendations, which will be available in 5 languages (English, Turkish, Greek, Macedonian and Italian)
  • Development of a training programme for municipal personnel and CSOs/tourism industry professionals in 5 languages (English, Turkish, Greek, Macedonian and Italian)
  • Development of an e-learning platform to host the educational materials available in 5 languages (English, Turkish, Greek, Macedonian and Italian)
  • 8 pilot testing events in Turkey, North Macedonia, Italy and Greece (2 in each country)
  • An awareness social media campaign in each partner country
  • 8 Info Days in Turkey, North Macedonia, Italy and Greece (2 in each country).
  • A Final Conference in Turkey


  • Funding programme

    KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth

  • Duration

    31/12/2022 – 30/12/2025

  • Budget

    400,000.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Turkey, North Macedonia, Greece and Italy

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2022-1-TR01-KA220-YOU-000087199


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