PASSAGE aims to develop innovative and urgently needed solutions to ensure that newly arrived children of third-country national background receive a smooth transition to quality education in the very early stages of their integration process. The approach that PASSAGE envisions focuses on providing teachers in EU countries with tools and resources to enable and empower them to deal more effectively with existing systemic pedagogical challenges.
To that end, the main objectives of the PASSAGE project are:
- To increase the knowledge, skills, and capacity of primary and secondary school teachers to ensure that migrant children receive support in entering a new pedagogical environment.
- To raise awareness among migrant pupils about school life in their local communities, so that they are better able to participate in it, aiming to strengthen their sense of belonging in local schools.
- Implement more effective tools to strengthen inclusiveness in educational approaches.
- Promote the active engagement of migrant parents and families more generally, in supporting young pupils navigate their way through new school environments.
During its 24-month lifetime, PASSAGE will directly and indirectly positively impact:
At least
teachers trained
At least
schools participating in the pilot actions
At least
students from local schools and newly arrived migrant children involved in the project activities
Passage at a glance
- 6 National and 1 Transnational Ecosystem Reports examining current needs, practices, target groups, stakeholders, and mode of work
- Development of the PASSAGE training program for face to face and online training on effective methodologies, teaching techniques, tools, activities to create an inclusive environment
- Pilot implementation of the PASSAGE model in local schools
- Development of Educative Resources and a Toolkit for school educators how to create and sustain culturally sensitive and inclusive school systems
- Policy Recommendations including the practices for pedagogical integration at primary schools.
- Targeted informational material.
- 1 Project website.
- National info day events
- 1 Final international Conference.