Our FREE Project web platform is launched! A collaborative model between teachers and parents to tackle gender-based discrimination.

FREE Press release

As partners of the Erasmus+ funded FREE project, we are excited to announce the launch of its new website, available at www.projectfree.eu!

The web platform will deliver the results of the pan-European initiative aiming to address the issue of gender-based discrimination in schools that can be potentially a breeding ground for violence, and lead to a series of harmful effects for girls taking their first steps in life.

Gender-based discrimination is a problem present in schools all over the world. It can have a devastating impact on the comfort, wellbeing, and success on the children who experience it, long after they leave the school environment.

Recognising this, FREE will bring parents and teachers from across Europe together, and develop the tools and techniques to address this problem. By doing so, together, we will ensure that children’s school experiences are as safe, positive, and as enjoyable as they deserve.

Follow our Facebook page facebook.com/freeuropeanproject and find out more information about the FREE project and its new web platform here:

Press release (ENG) | Press release (EL)