Financial Literacy for Disadvantaged Families

The overall objective of the MONEY MATTERS project is to empower  families with the necessary financial skills to mitigate financial difficulties, produce new pedagogic practices and support family learning through new digital learning tools.

Within this context, MONEY MATTERS’ specific objectives include:

  • To develop, pilot and deliver a quality Continuing Professional Development program for adult educators, practitioners and relevant stakeholders with embed tools, which are adaptable to educators’ standard teaching and customized to current local needs of the target group
  • To increase the capacity of educators to develop and include approaches that are strength-based, participatory and learner-led
  • To develop  an accessible online platform to promote effective and innovative approaches for wider use across  the EU
  • Stress the importance of financial literacy skills for marginalized citizens to actively take part in society

During its 24-month lifetime, MONEY MATTERS will directly and indirectly positively impact in all of the six countries where it is implemented:

At least



At least


trained educators

At least


event participants

MONEY MATTERS at a glance

  • 12 monthly comic strips
  • Mobile App for financial planning
  • 1 manual for educators of Money Matters
  • 1 digital resource toolkit with material translated in all 6 partner languages accessible to everyone
  • 5 Partner meetings
  • 6 Learning Symposiums
  • 1 final Conference
  • 1 project website 
  • 1 project Facebook page


  • Funding programme


  • Duration

    1/11/2020 – 31/10/2022

  • Budget

    297,924.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Ireland, UK, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus, Greece

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079048
Money Matters logo


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