Τhe project
Gender-based violence (GBV) and teen-dating violence, still widespread around Europe, are rooted in harmful social norms and stereotypes that reinforce unequal power relations between genders. Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) can play a central role, as a long-term solution, in empowering young people, eventually lowering the risk of them suffering from, perpetrating or standing by violent behaviours.
LoveAct aims to reduce the risk of GBV and teen-dating violence by equipping teenagers, parents and educational staff with knowledge and competences in CSE. In particular the project aims to produce quality educational materials, informative and networking tools on Sex-education; build the capacity of educational staff to address issues related to Sex-Ed; empower teenagers to live their sexuality and affectivity safely and positively; raise awareness on the importance of CSE.
The direct beneficiaries of the project will be teenagers (14-18), their parents and school teachers. The project will also involve different stakeholders and professionals at every stage of the project.
During its 24-month lifetime, LOVEACT will directly and indirectly positively impact at least:
- 5000 teenagers, parents and educational staff through the online platform
- 1000 teenagers involved in training and awareness raising activities
- 170 students participating in the co-creation of awareness-campaign on Sex-Ed
- 700 people attending national festivals
- 200 teachers reached through capacity building
- 80 people attending the Final Symposium
- 70 parents involved in awareness raising activities
- 70 key stakeholders (experts, organisation representatives, academics etc) participating in the national Sex-Ed Councils
LOVEACT at a glance:
- Creation of a Love Act section containing educative, informative and networking tools on Sex-Ed within The Gender Talk online platform.
- Mapping of existing practices and materials available on CSE for the prevention of GBV, with a focus on intersectionality.
- Institution of a Sex-Ed Council in each partner country and organisation of Local Forums.
- Co-creative activities involving teenagers and families aimed at exploring their personal stories and memories with regards to affectivity and sexuality.
- Co-creation of CSE guides to be embedded within The Gender Talk platform.
- 4-day international Joint Staff Training Workshop in Greece for partners and experts, aimed at acquiring methodologies, approaches, activities and tools on CSE.
- 4-days national Capacity Building workshop for educational staff per partner country.
- Local implementation of 30-hour training for students in schools.
- Co-creation workshops for designing one European cross-generational and cross-cultural awareness raising campaign.
- Organisation of national School Festivals.
- Final European Symposium
Intended outcomes:
- Increased availability of CSE educational and informative tools that are quality and evidence-based, sensitive to intersectionality and trauma and accessible to a wide audience including teenagers, families and educational staff.
- Increased capacity of families and 200+ educational staff to cover topics related to sexuality and affectivity with teenagers in a tailored, informed, supportive and positive way.
- Improved chances for well-being, possibility to build safe and healthy relationships free from GBV, and empowerment in supporting each other for living their sexuality in a positive way for the 1000+ young people.
- Increased awareness in the general public at the local, national and international level around the need for more and better CSE for teenagers and its potential for GBV prevention.