Let’s learn more about the Social Economy in Greece in an info card created by the baSE- Blueprint for Social Economy and Proximity Skills & Advanced Trainings Schemes Adaptable to diverse Social Economy Ecosystem in Europe project consortium.

Download the infocard [EN].
BASE – Blueprint for Social Economy and Proximity Skills & Advanced Trainings Schemes Adaptable to diverse Social Economy Ecosystem in Europe is a 4-year Erasmus Plus project with a consortium of 25 partners from 10 countries, whose aim is to develop and test a conceptual framework (blueprint – named “Social Economy Skills Strategy”) that will make vocational training successful in addressing the up- and re-skilling processes of working age people and address the proximity and social economy needs (primarily both competitiveness and social purpose needs).
baSE website & social media
Visit the baSE website: socialeconomyskills.eu
baSE Linkedin account: linkedin.com/base-project