Integral Sexual Education and Empowerment in Schools

ISEX project brings the issue of sexual education high on the agenda not only of educational institutions, but also of teachers and parents, in an effort to tackle stereotypes and change long-lasting mentalities. ISEX main goal is to build the capacities of teachers and provide them with useful tools promoting sexual education, while directly involving members of the following target groups: a) Secondary school children (11-18-year-old), b) Parents and grandparents and their children, c) Professionals involved in sexual education: teachers, youth workers, experts, civil professionals, coaches, school psychologists, d) Institutions such as schools, decision makers, stakeholders in education, and e) Broader public.

The main objectives of the project are as follows:

  • initiate open discussion about sexuality;
  • shift from problem centred approach to a natural, open and joyful communication on relationships and sexuality;
  • involve the family and bring together generations (parents, grandparents and youth);
  • integration of a youth centred, modern approach of relationship- and sexual-education in schools;
  • enable teachers and youth workers with means to handle the topic naturally with confidence and with up-to-date knowledge and openness;
  • raise public attention, emphasize the importance of the topic;
  • support information flow.

During its 34-month lifetime, ISEX will directly and indirectly positively impact:


teachers and 450–500 children involved in the pilot sessions


participants in pilot trainings in each country for teachers, youth workers, nurses, trainers, school professionals


participants in a mentoring program for teachers, youth workers and experts working with young people in the field of Sex Ed

ISEX at a glance

  • 1 SEX- Ed curriculum for secondary students
  • 1 toolkit for a 30-hours long SEX-Ed Curriculum with module guide
  • A ‘Book of generations’ online videos including: 3 generation interviews, workshops for parents and grandparents.
  • A 4 day-long pilot teachers´ training in each country for teachers, youth workers, nurses, trainers, school professionals followed by a mentoring program on an online platform helping participants with their adaptation process
  • A 6-months long mentoring program for teachers, youth workers and experts working with young people in the field of Sex Ed
  • Collecting and translating written materials in Sex- Education
  • Collecting educational speeches and videos to share locally (professional materials, Sex- Ed “library”)
  • 1 international project Web page  
  • At least 3 newsletters will be developed throughout the implementation period
  • 3 social media accounts/profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)  
  • A series of testimonial videos
  • Promotional material: posters, leaflets (4.000 in total, 1.000 per partner) and roll-up banners
  • Final Conference (with approx. 36 participants / experts will be invited to participate) – to present the project’s results and position paper to relevant EU institutions and agencies.


  • Funding programme

    ERASMUS+ KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices: Strategic Partnerships for school education

  • Duration

    1/11/2020 – 31/08/2023

  • Budget

    233,438 EUR

  • Countries

    Hungary, Netherlands, Greece, Italy

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2020-1-HU01-KA201-078722
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