Another good news despite the Covid-19 challenge: Glad to announce the official kick-off meeting on the ‘ISEX – Integral Sexual Education and Empowerment in Schools’ project!! All partners had on Wednesday, 20/01, the opportunity to share online their ideas, meet each other and describe the next steps of their cooperation.
ISEX project brings the issue of sexual education high on the agenda not only of educational institutions, but also of teachers and parents, in an effort to tackle stereotypes and change long-lasting mentalities. ISEX main goal is to build the capacities of teachers and provide them with useful tools promoting sexual education, while directly involving members of the following target groups:
a) Secondary school children (11-18-year-old),
b) Parents and grandparents and their children,
c) Professionals involved in sexual education: teachers, youth workers, experts, civil professionals, coaches, school psychologists,
d) Institutions such as schools, decision makers, stakeholders in education, and
e) Broader public.
During its 34-month lifetime, ISEX will creatively involve and positively influence:
- At least 20-25 teachers and 450-500 children involved in the pilot sessions
- At least 10-15 participants in pilot trainings in each country designed for teachers, youth workers, nurses, trainers, school professionals
- At least 20-25 participants in a mentoring program for teachers, youth workers and experts working with young people in the field of Sex Ed
Excited to work with:
- Kelet- Magyarországi Közösségszolgálat Alapítvány (HU)
- Nevelok Haza Egyesulet (HU)
- CSAT Egyesulet (HU)
- In Touch (NL)
The project is funded by ”ERASMUS+ KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Strategic Partnerships for school education”.