
Inter-religious coalition building against anti-Muslim hatred and anti-Semitism

The InterMu-Se project aims to combat discrimination and intolerance, in particular on grounds of religion and/or ethnic origin, to address negative stereotypes and intolerance against Jewish people and against Muslims, and to build trust and understanding between Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities, by:

  1. enhancing availability of data and understanding on how members of Islamic and Jewish religious communities experience prejudice, and of their own prejudice and stereotypes against the “other” communities;
  2. enhancing access of religious leaders, faith-based institutions and civil society to tailored tools and guidelines for facilitating inter-religious dialogue and cooperation at local (community) level;
  3. building the capacities and sensitization of religious leaders, faith-based institutions and civil society (Islamic, Jewish, Christian and/or other) on supporting intercultural and interfaith/inter-religious understanding and cooperation at local level;
  4. enhancing interfaith/inter-religious dialogue and cooperation at local level between religious leaders/communities, civil society and other local stakeholders;
  5. engaging people from different faith/religious communities in dialogue and joint action addressing the needs of their local community;
  6. raising public awareness and understanding of negative stereotypes and misconceptions against Jewish people and Muslims, and on common traits between different faiths/religions that bring people together.

During its 24-month lifetime, Inter-MuSe will directly and indirectly positively impact: 

  • 180 religious leaders and staff/members/volunteers of faith-based organizations and civil society, representing the Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities trained on intercultural and inter-religious understanding and cooperation at local (community) level
  • 54 religious leaders/communities, faith-based organizations, CSOs and other local stakeholders (such as museums, cultural centres, schools, municipalities etc.), representing the Muslim, Jewish, Christian (and possibly other) religious communities participating in local coalitions 
  • 300 members of local communities participating in local celebration events organized by the members of the coalitions
  • 1.000 persons participating in joint community actions
  • 360 stakeholders including religious leaders and communities, faith-based organizations, CSOs, local authorities, academia, etc. attending national info days
  • 80 stakeholders including religious leaders, faith-based organizations, CSOs, EU networks, academia, etc. attending the final international conference
  • 20.000 stakeholders reached through events, awareness raising campaigns, social media, dissemination materials & tools

InterMu-Se at a glance:

  • An online survey targeting at least 270 members of religious communities (Jewish, Islamic, Christian)
  • Interviews with 72 key informants (religious/faith leaders, religious scholars etc.)
  • 6 reports (one per implementing country – Cyprus, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain) analysing how members of different religious communities (Jewish, Islamic, Christian) experience prejudice, while also focusing on their own prejudices and stereotypes against the “other” communities. 
  • A transnational report presenting a set of guidelines for effective transfer of the selected good practices in fostering intercultural and inter-religious dialogue and cooperation at local (community) level, considering the background, views, and characteristics of the different religious communities 
  • A capacity building programme for religious leaders, faith-based organizations and civil society working on interfaith and intercultural dialogue
  • 3-day in person seminars in each partner country, targeting a total of 180 religious leaders, faith-based organizations and civil society representatives
  • Memoranda of Understanding formalising the local coalitions that will be established in all participating countries
  • Local action plans focusing on fostering intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, understanding and active cooperation between the different religious communities by engaging them in joint actions that address actual and common needs of the local communities 
  • Local coalitions meetings
  • Local celebration events with members of local communities
  • Dissemination activities 
  • Info days
  • Final conference


  • Funding programme


  • Duration

    01/05/2024 - 30/04/2026

  • Budget

    562,107.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Greece, France, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Ireland

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 101145033 — InterMu-Se — CERV-2023-EQUAL
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