DevelopINg Tailored comprEhensive services for younG migRAnts

INTEGRA aims at responding to the limited participation of young refugees from conflict affected countries to the higher education system of India & Pakistan, by introducing an innovative methodology that will allow them to overcome the obstacles they currently face. By bringing young refugees closer to the higher education system in India and Pakistan, the ambition of the project is to facilitate their full integration in these countries by attending higher education courses and/or by entering the labour market and especially the ICT sector, which is one of the main economic activities in this Region.

To that end, INTEGRA is expected to:

  • Advance the targeted Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the two Partner Countries (India and Pakistan) in terms of capacities, new services and tools so that they better meet the educational and by extension the social and economic integration needs of young refugees;
  •  Bring young refugees from conflict affected areas closer to higher education and HEIs in India and Pakistan, while also upscaling their ICT skills and treating their psychosocial traumas.

During its 36-month lifetime, INTEGRA will directly and indirectly positively impact:

At least


trained academic staff in India and Pakistan

At least


trained administrative staff in India and Pakistan

At least


academic and administrative staff benefited per year in India and Pakistan

Integra at a glance:

  • A 1-year accredited ICT course including different programmes & modules, based on the state-of-art analysis; 
  • 4 psychosocial support structures providing personalized support to young refugees;
  • A comprehensive capacity building programme for tutors and professionals for the structures, along with a pilot delivery of the services developed.


  • Funding programme

    ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

  • Duration

    15/1/2020 – 14/1/2023

  • Budget

    655,520.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Greece, India, Pakistan, Portugal

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 610243-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


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