Gaming for Social Inclusion and Civic Participation – A holistic approach for a cultural shift in education and policy

The INGAME project builds on the educational and learning benefits of gaming, with the aim to develop and implement innovative methods and practices that foster inclusive education and promote common values among young adult learners across 9 EU countries. The project involves the development of an innovative information technology tool, its associated services and maintenance, and the dissemination of results on pedagogical practices for p0rmoting advance knowledge among professionals and a shared set of values.

During its 36-month lifetime, INGAME will directly and indirectly positively impact:

At least


professionals trained in 9 countries

At least


youth trained in partner countries

At least


scaling up event participants

INGAME at a glance:

ingame-Asset 128EU reportplus_icon

An EU report on the European context

ingame-Asset 129Adaptation needs plus_icon

State of the Art report

ingame-Asset 130Learning Curriculumplus_icon

1 learning Curriculum and relevant content

ingame-Asset 131e-Learning Portalplus_icon

1 e-learning Web Portal

ingame-Asset 132Online Gameplus_icon

1 Online Game

ingame-Asset 133Mobile appplus_icon

1 mobile application

ingame-Asset 134Resource Manualplus_icon

1 Training and Policy Resource Manual

ingame-Asset 1352F workshopsplus_icon

7 Face-to-Face workshops

ingame-Asset 136Pilot of the programmeplus_icon

A pilot implementation of the INGAME programme

ingame-Asset 137Events & seminarsplus_icon

18 scaling up events/ seminars

ingame-Asset 138Conferenceplus_icon

1 Final Conference

ingame-Asset 138Policy recommendationsplus_icon

A policy recommendations paper


  • Funding programme

    ERASMUS+ KA3 - Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training

  • Duration

    1/01/2020 – 31/12/2022

  • Budget

    620,172.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, Poland, Turkey

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 612166-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN



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