
Creating alternative integration paths for Third Country Nationals by cultivating creative expression

Τhe project

Approximately 10% of the EU population was born in a different country from the one in which they reside. Based on Eurostat (2020), 21.8 million non-EU citizens were living in the EU on 1 January 2019, representing 4,9% of the EU-27 population. Within this context, the integration of (Third Country Nationals) TCNs in their host communities constitutes a significant challenge. Migrants face a greater risk of social exclusion than the native population, especially with respect to accessing employment, education, health and social services.

The purpose of the project is to address the basic needs and challenges of promoting the successful integration of TCNs within the EU and cultivate creative expression as means to promote their social inclusion and community cohesion.

The objectives are

  • To explore the role of culture and arts in TCNs’ integration.
  • To design and implement a capacity building programme for professionals on how to utilize arts as a way of creative expression for TCNs.
  • To Implement Creativity Labs where trained professionals and educators will apply in practice the capacity building methodology in their work with TCNs.
  • The target group: The project will involve at least 60 TCNs and 60 educators, professionals and volunteers working with TCN.

Project outputs

  • Development of a comprehensive capacity building methodology, a training programme, and an online platform for professionals on how to utilise arts as a way of creative expression fostering the social inclusion and integration of TCNs.
  • Introduction of an innovative and practical methodology, the Creativity Labs, promoting the sustainable integration of TCNs in their host communities, not only in the 6 implementing countries, but also at EU level.
  • Ιncreased stakeholders’ awareness on the usefulness of arts as an alternative way of promoting integration of TCNs.
  • Enriched portfolio of services and tools available for stakeholders working with TCNs as vehicles for promoting the inclusion of TCNs in the EU.

During its 24-month lifetime

TCN’s and professionals, educators and volunteers will acquire new skills and tools in offering quality support to TCNs and utilizing arts as a way of creative expression.  Stakeholders will acquire increased awareness and recognition regarding the use of arts as a tool to promote social inclusion.


  • Funding programme

    KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

  • Duration

    1/6/2021 – 31/5/2023

  • Budget

    238,020.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Belgium, UK, Turkey

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2020-1-CZ01-KA227-ADU-094404
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