GuideCar (Guide you Career) is one of the two finalist projects to be funded as part of the MoreThanAJob activities. During the 8 months of its implementation, the project aims to develop a mentorship programme that will provide participants with opportunities to develop their career prospects, leadership and diversity skills needed to succeed in a dynamically changing labour market.
The project aspires to shape project beneficiaries into future community leaders through their interaction with experienced professionals. As a result, they will be able to build the interpersonal skills that are necessary for supporting all community members into reaching their full potential.
Project Objectives and Target Groups
GuideCar will establish formal best practices to drive success among 100 young people belonging in vulnerable groups, such as unemployed, women, uneducated, and migrants. The project features orientation sessions where participants develop the skills necessary to maintain mutually beneficial relationships.
The mentoring program is built to facilitate knowledge transfer and career development, as a means of combating unemployment in Greece. To achieve that, GuideCar uses an innovative competency-based and learning-outcomes-oriented approach that utilises user-friendly ICT applications. This allows for more personalized and individualized guidance, in contrast to more traditional approaches of mentoring.
More specifically, an online tool will be developed in Greece to assist jobseekers in finding employment that fits their skill profile, by providing a skill matching mechanism. The tool links existing vacancy databases to information on training courses, providers, and generic occupation overviews. The process will involve online training briefings, e-mentorship activities, and personalized advice with the intention to create practical individual pathways to benefit from the possibilities of the qualifications in the national framework. The website will remain operational after the project completion, ensuring that participants will have the opportunity to stay in contact with their mentees.
A few words on MoreThanAJob
GuideCar is implemented and funded under the framework of MoreThanAJob, a project funded by the European Union under ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The project aims at enhancing the development of cooperation mechanisms between the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) actors and the public administration to improve the social services for vulnerable groups in order to increase their opportunities of social and labour inclusion. MoreThanAJob brings together partners from 5 countries: Palestine (An-Najah National University, Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Jordan (Mutah University), Lebanon (Business Consultancy and Training Services), Italy (CESIE), and Greece (EUROTraining Educational Organization SA).
You can follow MoreThanAJob on its website, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Youtube pages.