Growing into Eco-conscious Adults

The GEA – Growing into Eco-conscious Adults project aims to enhance “environmental literacy” of adults, in order for them to be able to contribute to informed decision-making and establish stronger adaptation capacities of their community, thus empowering people to adopt more sustainable lifestyles.

The specific objectives of the project are: 

  • to increase adults’ opportunities to engage with their communities in environmental & climate actions;
  • to develop an open e-learning programme for adult educators and a set of resources aimed at increasing eco-consciousness and community engagement;
  • to encourage a shared decision making process and co-design of environmental policies;
  • to ensure wide and sustainable access to a set of innovative results for stronger environmental literacy.

Its concrete results include:

  • an Interactive Report;
  • an E-learning kit for adult educators;
  • a Sustainability kit for environmental awareness-raising;
  • a co-designed policy initiatives booklet.

During its 36-month lifetime, GEA will directly and indirectly positively impact at least: 

  • 70 adults from disadvantaged backgrounds, who will be actively involved in the project
  • 70 adult educators, who will be actively involved in the project
  • 525 adults from disadvantaged backgrounds, who will benefit from the itinerant classes
  • 105 adult educators, who will be trained
  • 49 policy-makers and local community representatives, who will give feedback on proposed policies.
  • 2000 adults from disadvantaged backgrounds, who will be provided with a sustainability toolkit.
  • 210 stakeholders will be informed of the project and its results.

GEA at a glance: 

  • 1 Interactive Report – a report on citizen science approaches, environmental challenges and climate actions in each of the partner country
  • 1 E-learning programme, based on the defined learning outcomes, including 5 learning modules
  • 1 Sustainability kit, with a printable “how-to guide”, collecting instruments to support environmental awareness-raising among adults
  • 35 Itinerant Classes, organized in the partner countries, to pilot the environmental awareness-raising actions
  • 14 Roundtables with local community representatives, giving input on selected policy initiatives
  • 7 Local Environmental Committees involving the local community representatives
  • 7 national Dissemination Events.


  • Funding programme

    KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education

  • Duration

    01/11/2022 – 31/10/2025

  • Budget

    400,000.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Italy, Belgium, Estonia, Germany, Republic of North Macedonia, Lithuania, Greece

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000087270
GEA logo


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