ENHAGA is a cutting edge two-year project that will be implemented in Greece, Cyprus, Italy and UK with the aim to respond to cyber-harassment and empower victims to claim their rights specifically targeting young female gamers (adolescent and adults). To do so, the partners from the four participating countries will co-develop an online game with associated tools to educate young girls on how to react to cases of cyber sexual harassment and further report incidents, while raising awareness about the need to ensure harassment-free gaming environments.
In doing so, the ENHAGA partners will deliver activities that will aim at:
- Preventing and combatting psychological online harassment especially for girls and young female gamers;
- Promoting capacity-building for relevant professionals in the gaming sector;
- Making provisions for gamers from diverse backgrounds by helping to spread knowledge about the need to combat violence based on gender;
- Equipping relevant stakeholders with awareness, tools and empowerment in order to report cyber harassment and build cross-gender ecosystems of tolerance and respect.
During its 24-month lifetime, ENHAGA will directly and indirectly positively impact:
At least
young citizens and particularly women in 4 EU countries
At least
professionals in the field of gender equality, human rights and gaming
At least
EU citizens benefiting from the ENHAGA tools
ENHAGA at a glance
4 National Needs Analysis and State of the Art Reports
An Online Game (ENHAGA Game)
1 Training Toolkit
4 series of workshops for implementation and pilot testing of the game
4 series of training sessions for at least 200 professionals
1 digital flip book Guide for Gamers and Trainers (ENHAGA eBook)
20 press releases
2 Social Media pages
1 dedicated website
20 published news items
An EU-wide network of relevant stakeholders
1 final conference