Full service to increase capacity and awareness for disrupting gender-based violence in the VET sphere

The END GBV in VET aims at providing support to providers of vocational education in order to increase their capacity and awareness in identifying and combating the phenomenon of gender-based violence in the VET sphere. This endeavor will engage multiple stakeholders including students, teachers, school staff, and interested parents strengthening this way the already existing structures of the institutions and by operating a full service in the campus that will provide information, training, support, and consultations.

This will be achieved by:

  • The development of a complete training program for the trainees of the project and VET educators.
  • The development of a guide to identify, recognize and address GBV in VET.
  • The development and implementation of an online training program for VET students that will increase their capacity in recognizing, understanding and addressing gender-based violence.

During its 24-month lifetime, END GBV in VET will directly and indirectly positively impact:

At least


students that will be involved in the training

At least



At least



END GBV in VET at a glance:

  • 14 partners
  • 3 transnational meetings (in Greece, Italy and Belgium)
  • 1 awareness raising campaign
  • 8 national events involving 30 attendees each
  • 1 final event with 100 attendees
  • 48 interviews, 6 per country, involving relevant stakeholders (NGOs, VET providers, teachers, parents)
  • 8 focus groups with at least 6 participants each per participating country


  • Funding programme


  • Duration

    01/01/2022 - 31/12/2023

  • Budget

    604,979.07 EUR

  • Countries

    Germany, Greece, Slovakia, Romania, Luxembourg, Spain, Austria, Italy

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 101049592

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