ENABLing School Integration of migrant and refugee children through social and Emotional learning interventions to address psychosocial trauma

The ENABLE project aims at promoting the social and emotional development of Migrant, Refugee and Displaced Children (MRDC) through culturally sensitive, school-based interventions designed to deal with the negative effects of psychosocial trauma. More specifically, the project’s objectives are to:

  • enhance the capacity of primary & secondary schools to effectively deal with cases of psychological trauma by developing first-level treatment and response mechanisms, protocols and tools,
  • build the capacity of primary & secondary education teachers to stimulate the social and emotional development of MRDC in the school environment,
  • raise the awareness of educational institutions, relevant stakeholders and decision makers about the importance of strengthening their policy framework on psychosocial trauma treatment for MRDC.

The ENABLE project will work towards empowering the capacity building of schools and their staff, offering tailor-made psychological treatment services within the school setting; by this way, it will contribute to the creation of learning environments that are safe, nurturing and responsive, promoting a positive whole-school climate that is inclusive of MRD children’s stories and backgrounds.

The above-mentioned goals will be achieved through:

  • The identification of good practices and specific teachers’ & schools’ needs in terms of new skills, knowledge, materials, tools and interventions that will enable them to deal with trauma within the school environment in primary and secondary education;
  • The development of an innovative online training course on trauma-informed teaching for primary and secondary school heads and school teachers.
  • The development of a school-wide trauma-sensitive policy framework in the form of a Toolkit.
  • Awareness raising among educational and third sector professionals and policy makers regarding the post-traumatic consequences of the migration, resettlement and asylum experience and the need to address them within the school environment via initiatives as the ENABLE project.

During its 24-month lifetime, ENABLE will directly and indirectly positively impact at least: 

  • 20-32 primary school teachers and/or school heads/managers who will be consulted via focus groups/interviews.
  • 76-100 primary and secondary school teachers who will participate in the pilot testing of the curriculum and workshops.
  • 76-100 school managers/heads who will participate in the pilot testing of the curriculum and workshops.
  • 20-28 school heads/educational institution representatives and decision makers who will participate in the bilateral meetings to be informed about the school policy toolkit.
  • 100-120 key stakeholders who will attend the project’s presentation in terms of relevant events.

ENABLE at a glance:

  • 1 mapping matrix on effective psychosocial trauma practices focusing on the needs of MRD children in schools.
  • 1 defined Trauma-informed Teacher/Educator Profile.
  • 1 Online Training Course on Trauma-Informed Teaching in primary and secondary schools comprising horizontal and specialised modules for i) School teachers & ii) School heads/managers.
  • 1 summary report with the recommendations of the end-users engaged in the pilot testing of the training course.
  • 8 training workshops with the participation of both teachers and principals in primary and secondary schools.
  • 1 summary evaluation report on the training workshops.
  • 1 integrated Trauma-Informed School Policy for MRD children in the form of a Toolkit for primary and secondary school managers, key actors and decision makers at local and national level.
  • 1 awareness raising campaign through website, social media, printed and electronic material etc. and through events, such as advocacy/lobbying meetings.
  • 4 national info days and 1 final international conference.


  • Funding programme

    KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education

  • Duration

    01/11/2022 – 31/10/2024

  • Budget

    250,000.00 EUR

  • Countries

    France, Belgium, Italy, Turkey, Greece

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000087053

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