DIGItal storytelling for Migrant Integration

DIGIMI has as key objective the involvement of the local community to facilitate social integration of migrants through volunteering activities aimed at stimulating in depth knowledge of the new local environment, its “ways, customs and habits” through digitally narrated stories. Storytelling regarding present and past recollections, interests and hopes is an engaging and efficient way for recently arrived third-country nationals to exchange, compare and combine their stories with local people and peers as vehicle for mutual understanding, knowledge and social cohesion.

Main Outcomes

  1. Integrate newly arrived third-country nationals through involvement of local communities and volunteering activities.
  2. Strengthen the sense of belonging to the new society for migrants and foster an active role for them in the community at local, regional and eventually national level.
  3. Promote meaningful interactions between the local population and newly arrived migrants.
  4. Demonstrate that an effective and common EU social integration approach is possible.

During its 24-month lifetime, DIGIMI will creatively involve and positively influence:

At least


migrants and refugees assisted

At least


professionals trained on storytelling techniques

At least


organizations outreached

At least


followers in social media

At least


policy makers sensitised

DIGIMI at a glance:

  • 1 dedicated project website
  • 3 info events per partner country
  • 9 National and 1 EU State of the art and Gap Analysis Reports highlighting the suggestions and expectations of the target groups and the stakeholders
  • Peer learning workshops and trainings for integration professionals and third country nationals to enrich their knowledge and improve their skills.
  • More than 7000 migrants benefitted through the planned project activities
  • More than 10.000 integration professionals to be communicated about the project


  • Funding programme

    EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL MIGRATION AND HOME AFFAIRS Transnational actions on asylum, migration and integration (AMIF)

  • Duration

    01/12/2020 – 30/11/2022

  • Budget

    810.653,40 EUR

  • Countries

    Netherlands, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Austria, Spain, Lithuania

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 957777

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