Digi Path

Promoting the integration of migrants at local level through digital skills

Digi-Path’s main objective is to foster the successful inclusion and participation of Third Country Nationals (TCNs) and their family members in the host EU country’s civic and social life. It aims to improve access to information and services so to increase TCNs’ well-being and inclusion in the hosting societies, overcoming barriers such as complicated bureaucracy.

This is going to be achieved through supplementary objectives that include:

  • Training of the staff of Public Administration Authorities & Experts at the local level in the participating countries so to improve the provision of information to TCNs and make their access to a number of services (ex. access to the labour market and relevant rights, professional guidance, family planning, available benefits, social insurance, registry) easier.
  • Improve of the availability, awareness and participation of TCNs in various activities in their host communities
  • Develop an interactive e-game (both as a mobile app and browser-based) targeted at TCNs, that will support them access crucial information and services in the host country in a fun and user-friendly way

During its 24-month duration the Digi Path project will:

Develop an interactive e-game targeted at TCNs in order to increase their social integration level in the hosting societies by providing them necessary information in a user-friendly way

Design an online training programme (OER) for the upskilling of Public Administration Professionals, with the aim to improve the efficiency of service provision to TCNs when interacting with them

Organise a face-to-face Joint Staff Training for selected Public Admin Staff and Adult Educators on the effective use of developed e-game

Awareness raising events to engage TCNs, Public Admin Staff and other relevant stakeholders, including members of the hosting societies, aiming at their active involvement

Digi Path at a glance

At least


National, Regional and Local Public Administration Professionals will be trained on how to provide efficient access to services to TCNs

At least


Third Country Nationals (TCNs) are going to be included in the project’s activities

At least


local / hosting society members are going to participate in the Multiplier Activities

At least


stakeholders will be reached to be informed about the outcomes of the Digi-Path project


  • Funding programme

    ERASMUS+ KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education

  • Duration

    1/11/2020 – 31/10/2022

  • Budget

    189,860.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Germany, Greece, Belgium, Cyprus

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007682
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