DivErSity and Tolerance IN E-Environment

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, education, including Vocational Education and Training (VET) has changed dramatically, with the rise of e-learning and the remote teaching on digital platforms. In an e-classroom the values of diversity, tolerance and inclusion remain fundamental but risk to be neglected.

DESTINE raises the issues of diversity and tolerance within an online and distance learning environment, targeting directly VET teachers, trainers, educators, providers, staff and mentors in this field. The project aims to build their skills and competences, seeking to support and help in the creation of diversity tolerant e-learning programs. Indirectly, DESTINE also targets VET learners, and particularly learners with fewer opportunities, who need a diversity tolerant learning environment, specifically online.


DESTINE is a transformative project that seeks to empower VET institutions to achieve much greater and more sustainable levels of diversity and tolerance in online and distance learning VET programs.  

VET teachers will develop new, adapted soft skills so as to be able to embrace diversity tolerant methodologies in order to include students from all diversities and backgrounds: embracing diversity is indeed an investment for the future.

Staff, teachers and learners will embrace diversity and tolerance on both personal and professional level as a means of staying relevant and thriving in a changing world; VET teachers and providers will modify pedagogical approaches, incorporate transversal skills and promote a diversity tolerant learning that can help all students benefit from a better learning experience online, and eventually get better opportunities in the labor market. More largely, VET institutions are expected to improve their reputation and attract more students. 

DESTINE at a glance:

  • Desk & field research that will bring out possible gaps that may exist and will form the basis for the development of new collaborative and inclusive methods for online teaching and the design of a new curriculum for the virtual classroom that promotes diversity and tolerance.
  • An E-Learning Platform containing material focusing on diversity tolerant methods already implemented in the traditional classrooms, focusing on how they could be transferred in the e-classroom environment. 
  • Innovative activities, tools and educational methods for diverse and tolerant learning in the e-classroom environment in the form of Open Educational Resources (OER). The OERs will be presented and shared to teachers/trainers/educators through a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). 
  • A toolkit containing all the material produced concerning diversity tolerant methods and techniques in the virtual classroom. The toolkit will be uploaded at the E-Learning Platform and will remain freely accessible for teachers, trainers and mentors as well as to interested learners.
  • A new environment for cooperation among VET Institutions will be developed, creating an online widely available repository of OER that is going to be available to their members and their trainers/ teachers/ educators. 
  • Learning, teaching and training activities, multiplier events and dissemination campaign. 


  • Funding programme

    Erasmus+ KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

  • Duration

    01/11/2021 - 01/11/2023

  • Budget

    284,697.00 EUR

  • Countries

    France, Greece, Germany, Romania, Spain

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000032921


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