
Closing the Digital Gap for Women NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training)

Why the Coding4WIN matters?

Digital technologies are radically transforming our societies. The coronavirus pandemic and its far-reaching effects have accelerated the demand for digital skills in many occupations, while the effective use of new technologies has proven to be a driver of resilience, helping workers and entire organisations adapt to new realities. According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025, as the adoption of technology increases.

However, adult learning opportunities do not always seem to reach the most vulnerable target groups, such as low-skilled NEETs (people not in education, employment or training) and adults from socially or economically vulnerable communities. At the same time, the fact that women face inequalities in the digital transition process is unfortunately nothing new.

Furthermore, research reports that there is a general shortage of qualified adult educators, equipped to teach digital skills and Information Communication Technology/ICT tools in the adult learning community (European Association for the Education of Adults, 2021). According to a recent OECD survey, particular attention should be given to the participation of adult NEETs and low-skilled adults in digital open education

What do we want to achieve?

Six partners from five EU countries (Denmark, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and Turkey) have come together to implement the “Coding4WIN: Closing the Digital Gap for Women NEETs” project, which aims to equip adult learning centres and trainers with a range of training materials to help women who are not in education, employment or training, especially those aged 25 and over, to acquire digital skills, which are most in demand in online job advertisements.

The project seeks in a culturally responsive way to encourage these women to re/enter the labour market by providing them with a basic introduction to the world of digital skills, ICT and coding using innovative training methods such as micro-learning and serious gaming.

During its 24-month lifetime, CODING4WIN will directly and indirectly positively impact at least: 

  • 300 learners of the Coding4Win digital learning hub and interactive training modules
  • 25 female NEETs and 50 adult educators who will pilot the training material
  • 60 users of the application during the pilot phase for the Coding4WIN serious game
  • 250 visitors to the Coding4Win website
  • 120 participants in the 6 open information days organised in Denmark, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and Turkey.

CODING4WIN at a glance: 

  • The Coding4WIN Curriculum and Training Materials: an innovative, fully developed adult education curriculum specifically tailored to the most sought-after transversal digital skills in today’s labour market.
  • The Coding4WIN Digital Learning Hub: an online space where all learning materials will be open and free to both adult educators and women NEETs.
  • The Coding4Win Serious Game: an innovative game that will focus on teaching ICT & coding skills to women NEETs. 
  • 3 Transnational project meetings in Denmark, Portugal and Greece.
  • 6 open info-days in Denmark, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and Turkey.


  • Funding programme

    Erasmus+ KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education

  • Duration

    1/11/2023 – 31/10/2025 (24 months)

  • Budget

    250,000.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Denmark, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Turkey

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2023-1-DK01-KA220-ADU-000161507


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