Combatting online HAte Speech by engaging online mEdia


The rapid development of online platforms has introduced a new grid where gender-based hate speech can flourish, introducing the online form of gender-based hate speech. Online platforms where these various forms of violence and abuse occur include social media, web content and discussion sites, search engines,
messaging services, blogs, dating websites and apps, comment sections of media and newspapers, forums, chat rooms of online video games, etc. Taking advantage of aspects of online spaces, such as privacy, anonymity, mob-mentality and permanence of data, online users can initiate gender-based hate speech, making the challenge of fighting against such content a vital issue for online platforms.

The project

The CHASE project responds to the EU challenge of tackling online gender-based hate speech, which flourishes on online mass media, and with little having been done so far (systematic efforts primarily involve social media). Online gender-based hate speech has catastrophic consequences, fueling physical violence, victimization and often leads to hate crimes.

The overall objective of CHASE is to establish and put into practice in Cyprus, Italy, Greece and France a comprehensive mechanism for online media to effectively detect and respond to cases of online gender-based hate speech.


The main activities of CHASE include:

  • Research on the existing legal framework about online hate speech, the existing detection & response mechanisms for cases of online gender-based hate speech, the identification of all different patterns of online gender-based hate speech
  • Development of an ICT tool detecting online gender-based hate speech
  • Design of a comprehensive mechanism for countering online gender-based hate speech and capacity building of online media staff & professionals
  • Drafting signature and promotion of Code of Conduct for online media platforms on combating online gender-based violence
  • Awareness raising campaign implemented by online media towards their users and other media & dissemination activities.

During its 36-month lifetime, CHASE will directly and indirectly positively impact:

  • at least 10 media professionals with skills to train others in identifying and dealing with cases of gender-based hate speech and able to use new skills
  • at least 200 online media staff & professionals trained
  • at least 40 number of users of ICT tool (by end of project)
  • at least 24 online media implementing/adopting the CHASE mechanism, and signing the Code of Conduct
  • at least 50 CSOs/NGOs staff and/or human rights professionals with increased knowledge on new forms of (online) gender-based hate speech

CHASE at a glance

  • Legal framework analysis and mapping of existing response practices
  • 1-day online international event for ~20 professionals and stakeholders of the online media market
  • Report on hate speech patterns and Needs Analysis Report
  • Development and piloting testing of the ICT tool
  • Development of a comprehensive mechanism countering online hate speech based on gender and gender identity
  • Capacity building of online media staff and professionals
  • National training workshops
  • Code of Conduct website
  • Dissemination and Awareness Raising Strategy
  • Awareness raising campaign by the online media
  • Final International Conference


  • Funding programme


  • Duration

    01/03/2024 – 28/02/2026

  • Budget

    760.079,86 EUR

  • Countries

    Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Greece and France

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 101143159
CHASE logo

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