Inter-religious coalition building against anti-Muslim hatred and anti-Semitism
Inter-religious coalition building against anti-Muslim hatred and anti-Semitism
GAME-based pedagogies for Youth-Led Dialogue and Active Citizenship to prevent Discrimination and RADICALization
Living positive and intersectional sexuality education for gender-based violence prevention
Enhancing European CULTural and creative practices to empower civic engagement and address the risk of RADicalisation among youth
Full service to increase capacity and awareness for disrupting gender-based violence in the VET sphere
A model for gender-sensitive integration strategies based on Personalised, partIcipaTory, loCal, and multistakeHolder approaches
Unrooting Violence: tackling social norms for the prevention of gender-based violence
Integrated Approach for the Prevention, Detection and Combat of Sexual Harassment in Sports
Intergenerational workshops between old people and children to break the isolation of elderly people and support their social inclusion
Building professional capacity to combat discrimination against and better meet the needs of Intersex Persons
DIsmissal & unfavourable treatment of WOmen in Greek Workplace: Adopting an INtegrated and SystEmic approach of intervention