Blueprint for Social Economy and Proximity Skills & Advanced Trainings Schemes Adaptable to diverse Social Economy Ecosystem in Europe

baSE is a project which aims to develop a European strategy to address skills mismatches and provide new skills particularly in the digital and green areas regarding occupational profiles in the Social Economy and Proximity sector.  To achieve this, the project gathers 25 partners in a wide and multistakeholder  European consortium.

The aim of the project is to develop and test a conceptual framework  (blueprint – named “Social Economy Skills Strategy”) that will make vocational training successful in addressing the up- and re-skilling processes of working age people and address the proximity and social economy needs (primarily both competitiveness and social purpose needs).

This “Social Economy Skills Strategy” approach should:

  • Enable to strengthen Social Economy Enterprises resilience and fast response by helping them to address digital and sustainable transformation.
  • Be able to develop tailored and alternative solutions that are applicable and unique to proximity and social economy enterprises.
  • Develop regional level collaborative ecosystems (“Alliances”).
  • Be scalable in different European regions

During its 48-month lifetime, baSE is expected to:

  • Create innovative and modernized curricula in the SE sector in several EU Countries
  • Improve employability, mobility and professional development for those benefiting from the new curricula
  • Strengthen entrepreneurship, management and digital skills of professionals in the SE sector
  • Improve professionalism, capacity and competitiveness of SE workers
  • Modernize VET by being more responsive to industry needs

baSE in a nutshell:

  • 10 National and 1 Transnational Synthesis Reports presenting the current state of Social Economy sector in each country, the specific skills demand and training offers on SE as well as the results of an online survey regarding skills gap analysis in Social Economy
  • Development of the SocioComp Competence Framework which will define competence areas, competences, learning outcomes and levels of proficiency for the SE sector
  • Development of 2 Occupational Profiles for the Social Economy Sector
  • Development of Training curricula adapted to countries’ specific context included in a MOOC platform
  • 10 pilot implementations, one in each partner country, reaching 1,200 people in total
  • Round tables
  • Policy labs
  • Targeted informational material
  • 1 Project website
  • National info day events
  • 1 Final international Event, participation at European Vocational Skills Week


  • Funding programme

    ERASMUS+ Alliances for Innovation - Sectoral Cooperation on Skills

  • Duration

    1/09/2022 – 31/08/2026

  • Budget

    4.994.859 EUR

  • Countries

    Spain, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Romania, Slovenia

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 101055640 — BASE — ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO


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