Symplexis participated in the kick-off-meeting of the new Erasmus project BASE – Blueprint for Social Economy and Proximity Skills & Advanced Trainings Schemes Adaptable to diverse Social Economy Ecosystem in Europe, which was held on the 5th and 6th of October in Bilbao, Spain hosted by Mondragon University.
The BASE project will work to strengthen the capacities of the social economy and its human capital in key areas such as the digital and green transitions in which social economy enterprises and organisations already have an important added value.
During this meeting, all 25 project’s partners had the chance to meet each other for the first time in person and discuss the first steps needed to be taken in order to make the most out of this 4-year partnership.
The consortium of this project is formed of 25 organisations in total coming from Spain, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Romania and Slovenia. Each organisation has a great input either on social economy or VET as BASE project aims to analyse skills gaps and mismatches and provide new skills with regard to occupational profiles in the sector of social economy, so that the employees and employers build greater resilience to unexpected challenges.