heAlthcare incluSion of motherS wIth diSabiliTy

ASSIST project aims to reduce discrimination and attitudinal biases of healthcare professionals, mainly doctors, nurses, paramedics, and psychologists treating women with disabilities in every stage of motherhood. The major objective of the project is to help create welcoming, accessible, and inclusive healthcare services for mothers and women with disabilities through the training of students of medical departments and of healthcare professionals with the help of a highly innovative Digital Ecosystem.

The project will implement a holistic approach to provide a forward-looking training curriculum for future and current healthcare providers and carry out outreach and advocacy activities to build the capacity of civil society and mainly of NGOs in contributing to policy change.

The primary focus of the project lies on fostering a more positive, welcoming, and inclusive behavior of medical professionals treating mothers with disabilities, since social factors and attitudes affect mothers with disabilities parenthood experience to a much greater extent than their disabilities do.

In particular, the ASSIST Project seeks to:

  • Help to address the barriers faced by mothers with disabilities across countries of the European Union.
  • Overcome barriers linked to mothers with disabilities in the healthcare system by creating outreach and training programs.
  • Support the active and effective participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of social life.
  • Contribute to the elimination of all forms of discrimination linked to mothers and/or mothers with disabilities.

During its 36-month lifetime, ASSIST will directly and indirectly positively impact: 

  • At least 300 students
  • At least 45 academic staff
  • 100 stakeholders
  • 100 policymakers

ASSIST briefly:

  • 4 National state-of-the-art Reports shedding light on the healthcare-related discrimination against women with disabilities and mothers in the partners’ countries and highlighting best practices in overcoming discrimination and biases.
  • 1 Transnational Report summarizing the issues faced by mothers with disabilities regarding their access to healthcare services on a European level.
  • 1 Digital Ecosystem comprising a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), micro-credential courses.
  • a 3D Simulation of Inclusive Clinical Environment.
  • At least 3 capacity building workshops were offered by the project’s HEIs target university staff.
  • At least 4 national info-days representing all partner-countries (Belgium, Italy, Greece, Ireland). 
  • An Exploitation and Transferability plan.


  • Funding programme


  • Duration

    01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026

  • Budget


  • Countries

    Belgium, Italy, Greece, Ireland

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 101134558 — ASSIST — ERASMUS-2023-PCOOP-ENGO


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