Active Citizens Reimagining the Community

The project “Active Citizens Reimagining the Community” is a new initiative in the area of adult education that aims at training “community champions” who will act as mediators between the community and professionals working in the broader field of city development. Our communities need to be reimagined with new, bottom-up approaches in order to address the needs for their future development and active citizens are the agents for this change!

At the heart of this approach is the belief that small-scale mechanisms and interventions can make the difference and in turn help our “leaders” to redesign EU cities. This project is thus directed towards the empowerment of NGOs and other local organisations involved in the field of Community Development so as to become a driver of positive urban transformation.

Significant positive outcomes will be delivered for adult educators within the context of project so as to become agents of:

  • A formal accredited learning programme of Community Development
  • A non-formal programme aimed at selected members of the community that are willing to act as prospective Community Champions/Mediators

The project will develop the following outcomes:

  1. A Methodology Handbook in ebook format including essays and case studies for people-led change, including best practices of positive impact on urban transformation coming from bottom-up approaches.
  2. A formal training curriculum for Adult educators in order to improve their skills and competences related to Community Development and Community Building.
  3. A non-formal on-line tool kit of training material in order to provide the necessary know how to front-line professionals (librarians, archivists, staff in housing associations, social and community workers) who want to implement the informal adult education program though their organisation
  4. An on-line tool kit of non-formal training material targeted to the general public with the aim to motivate, upskill and mobilise “community champions”, in order to initiate a bottom-up dialogue between the community and urban development experts

During its 30-month duration, ACRIC will directly and indirectly positively impact:

At least


Adult Educators

At least


Policy makers /educational advisors and researchers

At least


people through the dissemination activities

ACRIC at a glance

  • 6 Local Working groups comprised of “community champions”, activists, urban development experts and professionals, that will consult and support the development of all training materials and outcomes of the project
  • 1 three-day joint staff training activity
  • 6 National Events for raising awareness towards the importance of active citizenship in urban development
  • 1 International Event
  • 1 adult education Methodology Handbook; overview of theories around people-led change and case studies of bottom-up urban transformation
  • 1 Formal Training curriculum for Adult educators with the goal to upskill them towards delivering community development and urban transformation courses to front line workers
  • 1 online toolkit of informal training material in order to support front line workers


  • Funding programme

    ERASMUS+ KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education

  • Duration

    1/09/2020 – 28/02/2023

  • Budget

    327,933.00 EUR

  • Countries

    Uinted Kingdom, Sweden, Portugal, France, Germany, Greece

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project reference number: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079002
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