Passage’s newsletter is now available
The first newsletter of the European project Passage (Pedagogies of Passing from Reception to Education) has been published. You can read it in all partners' languages here.
The first newsletter of the European project Passage (Pedagogies of Passing from Reception to Education) has been published. You can read it in all partners' languages here.
The leaflet of the European project ENHAGA - End Sexual Harassment in Gaming has been published and is now available in English, Greek and Italian. (EN, EL, IT)
Creating alternative integration paths for Third Country Nationals by cultivating creative expression
EDucational University GATeway to enhance innovative E-learning capabilities, resilience and new best practices
InCUBator for the resilience of the culture and crEative sectors
Raising the digital literacy of professionals to address inequalities and exclusion of LGBTQI community
Money Matters announces upcoming training sessions as all project outputs are being developed according to schedule. The Financial Literacy Induction Training for Parents is soon heading towards its completion and…
Η Σύμπλεξις, προσκαλεί επαγγελματίες που παρέχουν ή παρείχαν υποστηρικτικές υπηρεσίες (κοινωνικοί-ές επιστήμονες-ισσες, επαγγελματίες υγείας, σύμβουλοι απασχόλησης, εκπαιδευτές-τριες ενηλίκων, street workers, διανομείς βασικών αγαθών ή/και προστατευτικών – από τον κορωνοϊό -…